Coalition for Immokalee Workers/Alliance for Fair Food - $25,000
Immokalee, FL
Renewed support for joint work with the Coalition for Immokalee Workers in support of low-wage farmworkers in Florida
Immigrant Workers & Families Rise Up Against Wage Theft - $25,000
New York, NY
To support coalition of six workers' centers in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut organizing to make the Tri-State region sweatshop free
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance - $25,000
Gloucester, MA
Renewed support to work at the intersection of marine conservation and social, economic, and environmental justice
Sunflower Community Action - $30,000
Wichita, KS
Renewed support of community organizing for good jobs in Kansas
United Workers Association - $30,000
Baltimore, MD
Renewed support of the Fair Development Campaign
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy - $25,000
Richmond, VA
Support to build and strengthen state policies to stop wage theft and promote good jobs with living wages
Warehouse Workers for Justice - $30,000
Chicago, IL
Renewed support of efforts to improve working conditions for low-wage warehouse workers in Chicago
Workers Center for Racial Justice - $25,000
Chicago, IL
Renewed support of efforts to promote sustainable and living wage employment for Black workers in Chicago
Workers' Dignity - $30,000
Nashville, TN
Renewed support for efforts to improve wages and working conditions for hotel and construction workers in Nashville
Alaska Community Action on Toxins - $35,000
Anchorage, AK
Renewed support for work with tribal villages and other communities in Alaska to eliminate environmental contaminants
Black Mesa Water Coalition - $30,000
Flagstaff, AZ
Renewed support of work on environmental justice and economic development in Navajo and Hopi communities in northeastern Arizona
Center for Earth, Energy, and Democracy - $30,000
Minneapolis, MN
Renewed support of work to strengthen grass roots environmental justice organizing in Minnesota and the Midwest
Coastal Communities Collaborative - $25,000
Gray, LA
Renewed support of bayou communities' efforts to address food security, preserve indigenous culture and impact policy decisions on coastal land preservation
East Michigan Environmental Action Council - $25,000
Detroit, MI
Renewed support of community organizing on environmental justice issues in Detroit
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition - $30,000
Huntington, WV
Renewed support of regional organizing to stop mountaintop removal mining and protect drinking water from toxic coal sludge
Owe Aku - $25,000
Manderson, SD
Renewed support of grassroots campaigns and cultural revitalization to protect Lakota sacred water and land
Powder River Basin Resource Council - $25,000
Sheridan, WY
Renewed support of work to protect Wyoming's environment and residents' health from the negative impacts of energy development
Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowerment (SOCM) - $30,000
Knoxville, TN
Renewed support of statewide, grassroots organizing on environmental justice issues
Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services - $25,000
Houston, TX
Renewed support for grassroots environmental justice organizing in Texas and the U.S. gulf region
Black Leaders Organizing for Communities - $30,000
Milwaukee, WI
Support to ensure freedom, equity, opportunity and a dignified life to members of the Black community in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin
Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity - $30,000
North Miami, FL
Renewed support of programs to build leadership skills of effectiveness of black community organizing groups
Center for Third World Organizing - $25,000
Oakland, CA
Renewed support for training programs to expand and strengthen organizing in communities of color
Jolt - $30,000
Austin, TX
Renewed support for grassroots organizing and civic engagement activities in Latino communities in Texas
NC NAACP - $30,000
Raleigh, NC
Renewed support of pro-democracy organizing in North Carolina
Southern Rural Black Women's Initiative - $25,000
Jackson, MS
To support efforts to improve the long-term economic outcomes for Black women, children, and families in the rural South
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